March 25, 2020 Renee Ware

Social Media Influencers: Find Your Niche

Who are you? What makes you different from everyone else on social media? These are some questions that social media influencers, micro-influencers and macro-influencers, should ask themselves. Figuring out who you are and what you have to offer your followers will allow you to identify your niche. 

What is a Niche?

A niche is a position or activity that suits somebody’s talents or personality. It’s something that differentiates someone from the millions of others on social media. A niche can be anything from yoga to fishing or from peanut farming to gardening.

Meet ice-fishing influencer, Jenny Anderson 

In 2017, Jenny created a blog, Girl of 10,000 Lakes, to inspire people to get outdoors and explore what Minnesota has to offer. She uses her social media platforms to express her love for fishing and the outdoors to thousands of others.

Meet Jonah Kest, travel, and yoga influencer. 

Jonah is not only traveling but expressing the art of yoga around the world through his social media. Jonah’s niche is not only taking amazing pictures in new places, but showcasing yoga poses within those photos. 

Finding Your Niche

Finding your niche is not as hard as you may think. Just ask yourself a few questions:

  1. What is something that interests you? 
  2. What do you do for fun? 
  3. What five words describe what your social media says about you?
  4. What audience do you want to reach?

Once you’ve gone through these questions, you should have a clear idea of what makes you stand out, even if it’s in a broad category like fashion. Even if your niche is fashion, you can figure out what makes your fashion sense different from others.

Showcasing Your Niche

After you’ve identified your niche, you can start presenting it on your social media platforms. Target the audience you want to reach and begin to make content that reveals who you are. 

Here are some tips to help you showcase your niche on social media:

  1. When creating content, base your ideas around your niche. For example, Jenny has highlighted the top lakes to go fishing in Minnesota.
  2. Include hashtags on your posts that are related to your niche.
  3. Highlight your niche in your bio. Call out if you are a fashion blogger or an outdoor enthusiast
  4. Tag other profiles that are related to the content you are posting about.
  5. Create a blog where you can make more in depth content on your niche.

Once you’ve determined your niche and have begun creating content that fully supports who you are, be sure to keep up a content schedule that works for you. Brands are always looking for interesting social media influencers to create sponsored content. Sign up for platforms like Find Your Influence that connect influencers like you with brands you love.

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