August 28, 2019 Guest Blogger

21st Century Parenting: How Influencers Can Play Their Part


The newest generation of parents are unique in that they have grown up with the world wide web, and for many of these parents this means growing up with social media playing a large part in their lives.

One thing that is becoming more apparent as we reach the tail end of the 2010s is that social media is no longer the domain of Millennials and Generation Z. Everyone, from your accountant to your grandmother, is using social media to connect to the world around them, and it’s of vital importance that influencers don’t lose sight of these potential markets. 

‘Mom blogs’  have existed for close to 20 years now, proving that parenting is a hot topic across the world wide web, with one study showing that a massive 14% of moms across the United States identify as bloggers. In the age of social media, it’s the perfect time to tap into this demand and expand your reach as an influencer. By targeting parents online, influencers can offer new advice on raising kids and find a market that appreciates and seeks out this type of online advice.

Influencers Offer a Window To The World

Parenting is hands down the most important job in the world, but as any parent will tell you, it’s tough work. It can be hard to find the time to catch up with friends or even get out of the house, so for many parents, social media acts as a window to the world. A 2018 study conducted by Pew found that 78% of 30 to 49 year olds are active on social media – a user base that, needless to say, covers a large percentage of parents with young children. 

As an influencer, the massive amount of 30 to 49 year olds that presents on social media is an easy market to target for sharing guidance and advice on parenting, which may even include sponsorships from children-focused brands. A number of top brands, such as Band-Aid, Target, and Covergirl, turn to kids to promote their products along with employing “kid influencers” on social media. Next time you go to post another Instagram photo of your new shoes, think about the ways you can reach parents with what you’re tagging and promoting to tap into an entirely new market.

Making Parenting a Little Bit Less Stressful

Technology is playing a bigger role in parenting than ever before, and this is a space that any influencer would be wise to engage with. Everything from special smartphone apps to top-of-the-line baby monitors can serve to make parenting a little bit less stressful. With the internet at our fingertips 24 hours a day, technology has become such an important part of practically every element of our daily lives. In this regard, parenting is no exception. In the age of social media, influencers have the perfect platform to reach out to parents and offer support and advice. 

The newest generation of parents are unique in that they have grown up with the world wide web, and for many of these parents this means growing up with social media playing a large part in their lives. Influencers are dealing with an ever-changing online landscape, and yet the demand for online resources for parents is unrelenting. It’s one market that looks like it’s here to stay.

Freelance contribution especially written for Find Your Influence by Karoline Cooke
